In the most exquisitely refined theologies
there is no need to name a god.

The category ‘divinity’ would be superfluous,
an addition that subtracts, distracting our affinity
from the innate attractive grandeur of the world.

κενοθεοφωνίa– god chatter diverts,
the old magician’s trick, diversion –
look up instead of looking down,
look in instead of looking out.

In a street in Montmartre, Paris below the Sacre Coeur
I witnessed a shell game. A man knelt with three cups
and a coin betting on bystanders’ baffled attention.

“Where’s the covered coin?” he asked those gathered.

The coin, my muddled friends, is under all three.

Everywhere you look there is a hidden coin.

κενοθεοφωνίa: (Greek) keno-theo-phonia ‘empty god talk’ – ‘chatting about god’ –  a coined word
clichés, platitudes, banalities, sentimentality about god
keno’ = empty
theos’ = god
phonia’ = sound