We’ve been warned this would happen,
obliteration from our privileged spot
huddled between Venus and Mars,
fidgeting with both love and war.

The sun, our blazing mother would eat us
like some animals devour their bloody young.

Some suspected that before our hot mama
committed infanticide
we would do it ourselves, not suicide exactly,
but close; carelessness.

We would get up some gray morning
and look outside
to nothing less than everything gone,
the Chevy in the driveway, gone,
the driveway, gone,
the garage, gone,
and no one believing the whole shebang was –

                                        – well, gone.

We’ve had fifty years of warning,
if you’re into scientific data, charts, projections,
or two thousand years if the Bible’s dire alarms
hold any weight.

As has been noted by Gore and Hollywood,
the human world is facing an ‘inconvenient truth.’

But then most truth is inconvenient
or at the very least annoying.

As Jesus said a billion years after the sun was born,
“You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.
But first, it shall piss you off.”