I don’t get out much anymore.
The world is closed for major repairs
and the only route out of my mind
is through Silicon Valley’s silicon chips.
I do get the mail from the box at the end of the driveway
but it’s mainly bills and enticements for things we should buy,
setting us up to receive more bills and enticements.
In 1971 Ram Das said we should Be Here Now,
but that was then.
I’m here and it’s now
and both my time and place are out of whack.
I remember years ago watching Mayberry
when our television abruptly went off.
I told my Dad and he said give it a whack.
I did and Sherriff Andy blinked back on.
The town of Mayberry was back in whack
by the end of each half hour episode.
Sherriff Andy the peacekeeper is dead
and Jesus is helping recreate an America
where it’s safe to be straight, white, and male.
The Buddha taught: life is suffering –
The First Noble Truth.
Except I’ve been living a lie by not suffering.
I have enjoyed middle class comfort all of my life,
a world designed with my convenience in mind.
The breaking news of famines and wars
and civil unrest has not broken in on me.