Century XX

The twentieth century, famous for accomplishing both industrialized mass murder and industrialized convenience  

The Confession 

I was sitting in a hotel lobby in Barcelona, Spain waiting for my traveling companions. A woman approached me, someone I didn’t know. “Excuse me,” she said, sitting down in the empty chair beside me. . “May I ask you a favor?” “Certainly,” I said out of polite...

Vive la Difference

“Sexual difference is probably the issue in our time       which could be our ‘salvation’ if we thought it through.” — Luce Irigaray Several years ago for Father’s Day, my step-daughter gave me a tee-shirt. Printed in bold letters on the front were the words: Radical...

This Is It

This is it. This is it. This is it. Now, not forever. This is it. The next ‘it’ will arrive post- haste.  t  

Waste Speech

vapid chatter in- consequential                                     mutter tongue- tied stammer un- managed lips slip slough syllables into sloppy silence    ...