
Hear this, ye smashers of idols, defacers of icons, mutilating vandals, warring against the still present paradoxically human polyvalent  past. Thugs at the palm cool oasis, can you not honor these vibrant ancient people at work and play in the glory of Palmyra,...

Late Night Jazz

Late the other night, too early to sleep but not too early to be sleepy I GOOGLED Wayne Shorter and unwired a web world of jazz. Shorter’s blowy throaty saxophone to be sure, but nothing short of much more. The ‘more’ included two groups new to me;...

Blowing Off Poetry

A man with a stein of stout sits down to read a poem, but first he takes his frothy beer and blows away the foam. The words are poetic, the stanzas melodic, the rhythm made to rhyme, the  metaphor is romantic, a rose in wintertime, words basic but not dumb, a semantic...

A Poet’s Notebook

What Poems Get Done Poems are the exploration of the common ground of human experience with the common ground of a language. Everyone has experiences throughout the day. Everyone uses language throughout the day. What most of us don’t do is look at our experiences...