by Warren Gaston | Aug 14, 2018
Three words your professional discipline will require you to consider: many more much How much is much? How many is much? How many more is too many, too much? How much less is enough? How much less is more than enough? These are the questions of our...
by Warren Gaston | Aug 9, 2018
After everything happens, even more happens, and more after that. After that squirrels happened, regularly or irregularly, although none born by parthenogenesis as far as scientists can determine. No miracle, nothing like that. After squirrels, acorns happened, trees...
by Warren Gaston | Aug 3, 2018
An anguished figure on a hill, her knees scuffed, her dress torn, a dented bucket empty in her hand. I look in my book to see if the text I remembered from childhood and my more seasoned adult imagination, could come into agreement. I discovered Jack and the well....
by Warren Gaston | Jul 31, 2018
Hazard along the spine, stanzas running toward the brink, the book’s menacing glued hinge, a lethal pivot between pages 122 and 123, and you, peripatetic period, wandering dot, bug in the valley of the shadow of Lorca’s ballads and laments and songs of death. This is...
by Warren Gaston | Jul 16, 2018
While I was sleeping, my history rested with me all night long. When I woke this morning, my history was alert at the side of my bed.