More or Less

Already there was nothing, then more, much more. Then there will be less plenty less, even less, nothing again. The world wobbles its way through time, more or less, time after time, until the time comes when time is more than less, not even next to nothing, nothing....

All Day Long

In the morning the sun stretches in through the eastern window. All day long, the future becomes the present, the present becomes the past, all day long. In the evening, the sun slips out through the western window.  ...

My Poem Is Underway

My poem is underway. It moves toward unknown destinations, in search of eyes, in search of ears. Like a message in a bottle adrift on the wavewide sea, my poem desires to be discovered. Trembling in a stranger’s hands, my poem works to shake loose a stubborn yet...

The Poet & the Irrational

“It is impossible to communicate to people who have not experienced the undefinable menace of total rationalism.” Czeslaw Milosz People do not appreciate modern poetry when they labor under the illusion that life is logical.  Just say what you mean, they say to the...