An Explication of the Poem “God Is a Wolf”

The poem: ‘God Is a Wolf” was posted on September 20, 2017 We approach a poem like a detective approaches a crime scene, looking for clues.  Discovery is in the details.  The clues are found in the very carefully chosen words the poet offers. The words...

The Crossing Guard

Hard power engines, hot tail pipes, dark tires, the heavy business of bumpers. And the children, not to be had, darting edgeless through the sun, invisibly silent, lost in the sum. The crossing guard, orange vest & gloves, not much, an evident word against losses....

God Is a Wolf

God is a wolf. God is wild. With an amazing kiss he invites me to go with him and we move together, but at a distance. Sometimes he forgets that I am a man. He romps roughly with me and his breath scalds my nostrils and he tears my tame dreams. When I move indoors he...

A Mountain Is a Wave

A mountain is a slow wave tossed up from the flowing earth. And you are a wave flung out of the earth’s huge heart, disguised as a beautiful woman. Where you are, weeds splitting asphalt, birds in a tree, and the tree are awake because you notice them. You walk about...