
Houses have walls, roofs, and floors. Houses cover us from bad weather: from wind and rain from cold and snow, from sun and heat, But houses do not cover us from inner weather.  When we walk in through the door, we bring our inner weather with us: irritations and...

Tuesday Morning

Our day star has chased the night stars away. I sip my first coffee. Caffeine rustles my senses, a bird sings in the pine tree. So much world I must choose to ignore to briefly maintain this pleasure.      

Silent Night

Holy wonder! The human enunciating mouth, these ancient echoes shaped by teeth, tongue, lips, letter by letter sounding syllables into words. Some letters hidden from sound but not sight, not mouthed. Quiescent. For example, the paradox of Silent Night Every letter in...


When writing of the third season of the year, why say autumn when we could say fall? Leaves fall, temperature falls a toddler falls with first steps, an old man falls taking his last, we all fall asleep at the end of a day, we fall in love, fall for a scheme, not to...