by Warren Gaston | Oct 16, 2023
He carries the code of eternity in his wallet. Smaller than a credit card, on one side, the face and name of the one who will get us through if we know how to ask. On the other side; how to ask.
by Warren Gaston | Oct 14, 2023
We want there to be something, someone, even better, aggressively benign, both charm and care. A god not strictly defined, yet influential, the kind met, not on a Damascus Road, but walking down from the Parthenon past the Theater of Dionysus into the city....
by Warren Gaston | Oct 10, 2023
Our day star has chased the night stars away. I sip first coffee. Caffeine rustles my senses, I hear a bird in the pine tree. So much news I must choose to ignore to briefly maintain this pleasure. ...
by Warren Gaston | Oct 7, 2023
Don’t flicker about, about this, about that, linger hard, rest nearly close to completely, a sponge in the sea of the world, letting, like god in the first days, allowing what is to be to be e x p e r i e n c e d, a sign of inscrutable presence,...
by Warren Gaston | Sep 28, 2023
“Let be be finale of seem.” The Emperor of Ice Cream Wallace Stevens My life is fine, not bad, okay. Yet sadness heaves heavy. The surrogate world oozes deputized artifice. The real real is disregarded What seems is credited reliable. This is cause enough...