by Warren Gaston | Aug 23, 2023
Poets do not let history’s wounds heal too quickly or too soon. Those cavalier with historical facts only reinjure the wound. . Poets use no bandages, no casts or slings, no gels, unguents, or ointments, they pull scabs, scratch irritations, they use salt, not salve,...
by Warren Gaston | Aug 11, 2023
Something needs to be said, needs a mouth to say it, needs tongue, needs teeth, needs breath. needs a volunteer volcano needs a woman needs a man for the molten word to rise, flowing rock to shift the shape of long imagined thought. ...
by Warren Gaston | Aug 10, 2023
So many things are so many things. Is there one thing that is just one thing? If so, name such a singularity.
by Warren Gaston | Aug 7, 2023
“To live in the present moment is a miracle.” Thich Nhat Hanh In the life of presence, there is no hurry, slow is fine, fast unfashionable. Speed will not buy time, neither will efficient tools nor labor saving devices. Time is no longer of the essence. No...
by Warren Gaston | Aug 5, 2023
Rain off and on all night. In the morning I sit in the dripping world. A sane bird sings the waiting day awake.