by Warren Gaston | Jun 9, 2021
When I was doing it, I was doing it. I did not take notes. Why would i? I was immersed in doing it. It needed to be done. I was doing it. I paid little attention to the sensations of doing it, not the weight of the hammer in my hand, not the feel of the smooth wooden...
by Warren Gaston | Jun 4, 2021
Duende, the shadow that is not absence but the opposite of light. Roots sucking metamorphic darkness up out of soil. Mineral density borrowed by the bone, unknown to the mischievous the brain, the earth pulsing deep beneath the world the vibrant ache of knowing you...
by Warren Gaston | Jun 3, 2021
I can say with sad certainty, sight unseen and news unheard, that today, somewhere in America, someone is shooting, someone is shot.
by Warren Gaston | Jun 1, 2021
I walk through the mall being viewed and reviewed. It troubles me to know that for a moment my life might be a figment of a stranger’s imagination. I do not feel comfortable in your version of me. You fictionalize. You invent. You construe. You fantasize real people....
by Warren Gaston | May 30, 2021
He woke up in the morning with a roof over his head. No surprise there. Everything quite dependable. The roof was there when he went to bed. He woke up in the morning with hot water to wash. No surprise there. Everything quite dependable. He washed his face with hot...