by Warren Gaston | Nov 23, 2019
Eating at the Cederholm Roadside Café I wonder whose mouth this fork last visited, whose coffee this spoon has recently stirred. Beyond whose teeth did this fork unburden its salad cargo of vegetal nutrition, on whose tongue did it rest for the pleasure of taste...
by Warren Gaston | Nov 18, 2019
Is time really running out? Or is time running in? Am I not accumulating time over decades, over years? Am I not adding a higher number to each passing year? Am I not storing time as memory events in an unsafety deposit box called the mind. As long there is motion, as...
by Warren Gaston | Nov 12, 2019
“Teach us to sit still.” T. S. Eliot Ash Wednesday The best knowledge I have leads me to what I do not know but can learn. Beyond what I have learned to know, is an eruption of astonishing wonder which can be felt in the heart, but not known or understood...
by Warren Gaston | Nov 8, 2019
I am writing a poem trying not to be clever. Can I do it, maybe not, but never say never. I will be parsimonious with multi-syllabic words like nevertheless and whatsoever. Also I will not use short single syllable words like shit or turds, not because they are long...
by Warren Gaston | Nov 2, 2019
The hardest part of learning is the unlearning. It takes years for the mind to loosen its grip on sweet poisons, the accumulation of stagnant information and stultified facts, the rubble of theories and concepts, sediment in the brain, a sleepwalker stuck in freshly...