Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)

If I could spend an afternoon with any 19th century American poet, it would be with the incomparable Emily Dickinson. I picture us sitting in her sunlit Amherst flower garden drinking tea. This woman in her white dress had a huge and hungry mind. I could learn so much...

A Poem & the Hubble Space Telescope

What are the similarities between the Hubble Space Telescope and a poem.  The obvious answer is none. No similarities.  One is a complex scientific instrument made of metal and silicon  letting us see far into the cosmos. The other is a form of literature, made of...

Thinking Through the Poem Adam and Eve Imagine What’s Next

I love words.  Long words. Short words. One syllable words are fine but so are multiple syllable words. Words carry meaning.  ‘Cat’ represents – (re-presents – makes present again) a feline mammal.  You can have ‘cat’ in a sentence without having a cat in the room. ...

Adam and Eve Imagine What’s Next

Three days after the creation of animals, and two weeks before the fall, at the primordial sundown meal they called supper, after playing with cats that had never been kittens and thinking up names for the owl and the dog, Eve and her man Adam played a fantasy game...