Adam said, “I love you” in a sweet voice.
Eve replied, “Neophyte, you have no choice.”

And that fresh starter Noah, mariner,
debarked and drank to drunk on barmy beer.

Moses, with his killer’s knife still bloody,
dried up the sea, but still his feet got muddy.

What lordly songs blew out of David’s heart,
to curse and praise, a politician’s art.

King Ahab slid through life on, “What the hecks.”
The chronicler returned, uncashed, payola checks.

Gomer, lukewarm to her prophetic spouse,
had other men when he would leave the house.

And Amos, prophetic trimmer of the trees,
Denounced his country, brave as you could please.

Jonah, favoring a hide whale-kissed,
Strode to Nineveh with hope, mad, pissed.

You know Adam and Eve, Noah, Moses, David, and
Jonah.  You may not be as familiar with King Ahab,
Gomer, and Amos.  Look them up, they are all in the
book. Or you can GOOGLE them. 
With Gomer you
will first encounter Gomer Pyle. Add Bible to Gomer
and you’ll find her.