by Warren Gaston | Dec 22, 2023
There can be no category of nonbeing. Being is nothing until it is something.
by Warren Gaston | Dec 19, 2023
When writing of the third season of the year, why say autumn when we could say fall? Leaves fall, temperature falls a toddler falls with first steps, an old man falls taking his last, we all fall asleep at the end of a day, we fall in love, fall for a scheme, not to...
by Warren Gaston | Dec 14, 2023
In the back of the house now summer is where winter has been, I sit in the sun where for months water was ice. Blossoms on stem sticks, shadows under leaves. earth working worms squirming through loam. I have lived in spring’s uproar of green fire, in autumn’s...
by Warren Gaston | Dec 6, 2023
Love me. Make me compulsory in your life. Feel hollow when I am absent, ache when I am angry with you. Care enough to get angry with me. Show concern with my attire when I head for public spaces. May fear grip you when I am sick and anxiety when I am late coming home....
by Warren Gaston | Oct 26, 2023
Adam, gestating in the earth’s mud womb, overheard God say ‘let’ seven times. When Adam rose up from uterine clay, he remembered what he had heard. Then he delighted in what he saw. It gave him a yearning for...
by Warren Gaston | Oct 23, 2023
I stand between my shadow and the sun. My shadow moves. I know I am alive. Or is the sun alive, or both.