The Spoon

There’s a war raging in the Ukraine and I, enjoying the safety of my tomato soup lunch, notice the odd shape of a seldom used spoon, the bowl narrower and deeper than other spoons annoys my lips as it reaches and rests on my tongue. Embarrassing. What kind of man...

Galaxias Kyklos

Sitting on the beach just ahead of my wife and me, a young mother organizes her breasts for nursing. In a carrier, a baby, all mouth and appetite, waits wailing for the guarded ritual of release and relief, when the secreted nipple, heavy with milk, appears,, like our...


My friend told me she sobs watching the 6:30 news. From this I learned I am a man. I do not sob. A tank crushes an old man in a car. I do not sob. Bombs blast against babies. I do not sob. Millions flee home. I do not sob. A family dies on a street before cameras. I...

Journey to  Kazakhstan

Yesterday I was in my favorite bookstore, Half Price Books looking shelf by shelf at the poetry section hoping something new had come in since my last visit. My eyes landed on a hard bound book, Contemporary Kazakh Literature: Poetry commissioned by the Ministry of...

The Gong Show

A world speedy soft the roar of clicks and jets all getting the job done going places filling spaces going   going   gong


The garden is full of blossoms. The garden is full of stems. We do not go to the garden to see stems. We go to garden to see floral genitals. lovely in color, shape, and fragrance. Now you may be offended, (if your lucky, only slightly) by my use of the word genitals....