by Warren Gaston | Sep 1, 2021
‘Love me.’ Make me compulsory in your life. Feel hollow when I am absent, ache when I am angry with you. Care enough to get angry with me. Show concern with my suit and tie when I leave the house in the morning. May fear grip you when I am sick and anxiety when I am...
by Warren Gaston | Aug 27, 2021
The words you refuse to say are the words you refuse to hear. 2.Think of the things you ought not say. Are they things that need to be heard? 3.Do you dare say to yourself what you want to say to me? 4.In your speaking throughout today, do not add to the mush of...
by Warren Gaston | Aug 26, 2021
What are the questions we have stopped asking? What are the answers we have stopped questioning? When you come upon a satisfying answer, disturb it with a different kind of question.
by Warren Gaston | Aug 25, 2021
The past is most dangerous when it is not left in the past, when the past is revered in the present as a fantasy fitting for the future, when the past is a bad memory mistaken for a hopeful plan.
by Warren Gaston | Aug 23, 2021
The check-out girl at the grocery store was named Destiny, according to her tag. And I wondered what her destiny might be. And I wondered if she wondered. Some predestined plan? A trip-tik plotted out with detours and delays for her drive through decades toward the...
by Warren Gaston | Aug 12, 2021
There are no songs in my neighborhood. No curbside singers. No front stoop strummers. No back porch drummers. No rhymes or rhythms rising out of cracks in the sidewalk like lyrical weeds. No guy down the street with bongos serenading the moon or the same guy with...