Original Poetry by Warren GastonSides
My side, the right side, favors me as I favor myself. Politics, perfect to a fault.
The Move
May we move out of the room we have inhabited, the comfortable room of our confinement, a room with one door and many mirrors, into a hallway with one mirror and many doors.
This day, stone cold, slog gray, the world slumps toward lethargy. Yet with effort, tanks, arrived by train, mass on the borders of Ukraine.
Winter Green
green trees now snow fleshed white bone ghost giants
Wurds. Wirdz. Werds. Explication
This poem is an attempt to understand the dynamics of language, spoken or written. Are words boxes of information to make and transfer meaning from one mind to another? The answer is Yes. But are words more than that? The answer is Yes. Words engage not only the mind...
Wurds. Wirdz. Werds.
Can we experience texture from text? First, Helen Keller famously touched tactility, cool, viscous slippering flow, next, Anne Sullivan pressed into Helen's palm the abstract signifier: w-a-t-e-r, cuneiform, a proxy for the real. Texture before text. Can the smack of...
The History of “If”
If the future has a past, then does the past have a future. If you draw a straight line from where we have been and extend it through where we are now, you get a pretty good idea of where we are going. If you don ’t like...
All adjectives are dependent on nouns. Without nouns, adjectives are nothing. You can’t just have tall or short. Something has to be tall. Something has to be short. Nobody says, “Look! There’s short.” Nobody says, "Tall looks shorter today." My natural life on earth...
There is damage to be fixed. Then there is damage caused by the fixes?