Original Poetry by Warren GastonThe Incumbent’s Smile
During the candidates debate, the incumbent smiled like an angel, like an angel who forgot the first line of her auspicious announcement: “Be not afraid.” Her smile seduced me into thoughts of edible underwear, no durable substance, the fantasy of privilege and...
The Year 2020
As a number, I liked the year 2020. 2 zeroes, 2 twos Simple. The numbers added together making four. Simple. Four numbers, no ‘1’s, still 4. Simple. Half the numbers do nothing but hold place. Simple. I liked the pleasant curve of the digits '2' and '0' as my pen...
Eating Oysters
I learned to eat oysters by overriding their gross appearance with mental force, willed my revulsed senses to stand down, then placed the gray globule in my mouth. I forgave, to my delight, the oyster's sensory offenses and let the bivalve mollusk linger behind my...
There are places in this world where I have stood and looked. Not tourist places although I have seen: the Eiffel Tower, the Pantheon, the Parthenon, and La Sagrada Familia. In those places I was rushed, I was jostled, I had to get through. It was not the Grand Canyon...
Typing long hours I relax my hands arms dangling fingers spread beside the chair I feel the cat's smooth nose rubbed in my palm. Elgin, Illinois 1972 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ I was typing a major...
Talking to Someone Else
Like you, I mostly talk to myself, sensible in sunlight, weirder in moonlight, all day one long tête-à-tête one head with two voices, both of them mine. Surprisingly, I don’t know what these voices will say until they say it. You’d think I would know for obvious...
It Was Raining in the City
It was raining in the city. It was too cold to be raining. Snow had been predicted, almost guaranteed. The temperature: fifteen degrees below freezing Fahrenheit. And it was raining, not snowing, in the city. The sky was hysterical, trying to sort itself out. Clouds...
You Want Me to Tell You
I want you to see for yourself. What does it look like? It is what it is. Draw your own conclusions. No explanation from me. You think more description would help. You want me to give you more clues. Twenty questions. Details. Color? Shape? Hot or cold? Is it...
It was great, the morning, the east sun stark raving pink through the trees, and the night kittens, full of fresh electricity, batted the fern just brought into the house from the patio because of cold. The yard didn’t stay pink for long, the sun, climbed into the...