
Original Poetry by Warren Gaston

I Believe

I used to believe in God on Sunday mornings, Wednesday evenings, and Saturday afternoons. Now I believe when a rare wind blows a song through the flute of a terrestrial heaven, and I recognize the tune before I know the source.

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A Letter Home

Dear mother and father, dear mole burrowing through the yard, dear robin singing in the cottonwood tree, dear cottonwood fluff drifting through calm, dear possum living in the woodpile, dear ants climbing the rose trellis and ants mounding miniature mountains, maybe...

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A Haiku on Growing Old

farther back in time the beginning of my life long memory trail ________________________ Japanese haiku are like being in the ring with Mohammed Ali. They punch once but once is enough.  You know you've been hit, not knocked out, but knocked into a new perspective on...

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Shooting Star   

sky      velocity      burn night stone slamming into friction you are committed to blaze . . . you are consumed by your commitment . . . you do not require a next world . . . this one, the one that consumes you, is enough.    

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A Short List

A short list of people who were never born, not conceived, not a gleam in anyone's eye, until now, not even fictional. Romulus Baird Laurel Frankenstar Bertram Bacardus Willy Sengar Marie Zamora Ivor Pollingham Missy Darman Hans Harlow Renee Tussore Trent Fullerman...

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looking up my eyes thicken with light the light thickens to sky the sky thickens to black wings arcing black wings thicken to a noun the noun thickens into the word b i r d the word dissolves into movement a black streak across the sky...

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The Party

I am at a party and I don’t know what to say. People are friendly. They welcome me. They extend their hands. They smile. Glad to meet you, they say. Glad you came. I don’t know what to say. You must think I’m socially awkward, or perhaps unfriendly or ungrateful. But...

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Deprivations of the Deep

He wants to dive deep. He can’t. Too many flotation devices. Too much buoyancy. He wants to enter deep into the cave. He can’t. Too many danger signs. Too many warnings. He wants to go deep with his wife. He can’t. Too many deadlines. Too many t.v. commercials. He...

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