“Tikun Olam”*

The house is falling down.
Let’s paint the walls.
There are termites in the attic
which explains water in the basement.
The hinges on all doors are frozen halfway.
Some think frozen open. Some think frozen shut.

Let us redecorate with pictures of sound houses,
hanging blueprints and architectural renderings.

The nails pound easily.
Think of the density of damp sponges.
The screens in the windows are so finely woven
the air in the house is severly strained:
little nitrogen in the livingroom,
hydrogen clings to oxygen in the kitchen and bath.

A savage breeze blows down the chimney.
“Nothing can be done,” the repairman announces
as he ascends with cold smoke up the flue.

The porch, visible to the public, is in fine repair.
yet one notices with careful observation,
the front steps rise above the doorjam,
making it necessary to climb
up and down, to get in or out.

Jesus practiced living in a house like this.
*“tikun olam”  =  (Hebrew) repair the world