Six months ago it was cold where I now sit,
it was cold, and water fell as flakes of snow.

Now it is warm, and yesterday’s rain
gathered in garden pots and puddles.

Six months from now, water will fall as snow
and I will not be sitting where I am sitting now.
This poem is about nothing much and the little it is about
is embarrassingly obvious. Seasons change. Snow turns
to rain and back again.  Who needs that pointed out to
them?  Who doesn’t know that in our corner of the world
the thermometer fluctuates between seasons hot and cold?
Of course, we know it. This poem honors our experience
of this well known fact, how changing seasons and changing
weather affects our bodily participation in the life of the earth.
Even though our minds and spirits are often valued above our
bodies, it is with our bodies that we take our place in the world,
it is through our body senses that we experience the world.