Hi astronaut, sailor through vast star seas,
tell me what you remember of life back home
as you enjoy your long rocket ride from Earth,
your blasted sling-shot fling through clouded sky,
ignoring gravity’s plea to not leave home.
Do you, like Lot’s wistful wife, look back,
missing where you lived and still belong?
Do you reminisce about our life on Earth,
human hostilities, endless feuds and wars
as our species fights for might and fame?
Or in your spaceship’s rearview mirror do you
see reflected an enchanting turquoise gemstone
dangling from the golden necklace of the sun,
and smile, forgetting our violent vanities.
Perhaps from far deep space you will
excuse earth for being the showcase
of the foibles and follies of the human race.
Even so, admit you miss us and come home.
I am homesick, it is true, I miss you all.
But just when making plans for my return,
I heard the crackle of recycled news.
I’m tempted to stay in space and go AWOL.
I really wonder why head home at all?