Solar Fear

Tonight the bright moon assures us, The sun has not abandoned earth. The sun is hiding in earth’s shadow.

Bryce Canyon, Utah

The force of vast silence, long drawn over time, roughs the red rock smooth wakes hoodoos from geologic dreams. A choir of standing stones, outstanding from the cliff sings abrasive anthems to the sculpting wind. The old ones whose skins have fallen human shaped from...

I Believe

I used to believe in God on Sunday mornings, Wednesday evenings, and Saturday afternoons. Now I believe when a rare wind blows a song through the flute of a terrestrial heaven, and I recognize the tune before I know the source.

A Letter Home

Dear mother and father, dear mole burrowing through the yard, dear robin singing in the cottonwood tree, dear cottonwood fluff drifting through calm, dear possum living in the woodpile, dear ants climbing the rose trellis and ants mounding miniature mountains, maybe...