by Warren Gaston | Aug 3, 2019
Before poetry is a form of art it is a mode of thinking. Thinking requires the use of words. We think with words in two ways; literal, each word having a precise meaning, and figurative, each word suggesting relationships with things beyond the literal meaning. All...
by Warren Gaston | Jul 29, 2019
Lord, give us the wisdom to abhor what is wrongfully held to be right, and the courage to denounce what is rightly held to be wrong. .
by Warren Gaston | Jul 25, 2019
July 24, 2019, 4:00 in the afternoon. I am sitting in my garden facing the three-dimensional space of my backyard. Horizontally it is deep and wide. Vertically it is sky high. At night the stars and moon appear in my sky. Now I look across the lawn into shadows...
by Warren Gaston | Jul 20, 2019
I look up at Apollo’s moon with droll psychology. How can a moon that’s walked upon be free of lunacy? _________________________________________________________ Commemorating the first human visit to the moon, July 20, 1969, 50 years...
by Warren Gaston | Jul 20, 2019
Six months ago it was cold where I now sit, it was cold, and water fell as flakes of snow. Now it is warm, and yesterday’s rain gathered in garden pots and puddles. Six months from now, water will fall as snow and I will not be sitting where I am sitting now....