A Poet’s Notebook: unfinished

I want to find a way to give voice to shadows, not as the absence of light but as the absence of lies. _____________________________ I like these four lines, these twenty three words. Someday I will discover where they want to...

Kristallnacht November 9-10, 1938

Windows, once transparent, now splintered glass. Night’s supple, fluid dark hardened to stone. The virus of hate was deliberately released. A plague of permission broke out, a moral cholera, weakening a resistant ‘no’, favoring an infectious ‘yes.’ As the disease...


Yesterday the future arrived a day early. Tomorrow the past will arrive a day late. That puts me today in an awkward and untimely situation.

The Busy Greats

I wanted to hang out with the greats, the shakers, the breakers, the ones who would beat me toward better; So I called L. Beethoven, but he was occupied writing sounds he heard we couldn’t hear, So I called van Gogh, but he warned me saying if I got too close I would...

Learning from Jesus

Do not spend time looking in the gospels for what Jesus taught that you agree with already. Find something Jesus said that you find disagreeable    and spend time working on that. _______________________________________________________________ hint:  Matthew 5:44,...