by Warren Gaston | Nov 2, 2018
There are only jailors or inmates. Most of us are both and few of us are neither. 8/12/98
by Warren Gaston | Nov 1, 2018
I am conducting an experiment in definitive vagueness. So far I have learned much that is unclear. Now I am studying things so imprecise they can only be measured by imagination. In the process I have discovered numerous things that are clearly ambiguous. All this has...
by Warren Gaston | Oct 30, 2018
To be born is hard and to be hard born is to be thrown into a hardening world. All is congealing, little flex, less flow, the water – frozen, the air – frozen, nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen icy to the touch. Ideas, once fluid, are steel, cold ruby rivers...
by Warren Gaston | Oct 26, 2018
Some poems say nothing comprehensible at all and the poet is exactly right to direct us to this vacancy. Is this the vacuum nature abhors or is it something – this emptiness, a void not to be avoided? Is nothing a gift, something in and of itself, an opening – a...
by Warren Gaston | Oct 24, 2018
Genesis I saw my father’s house in the country, Adams County, Ohio. He was born there in his parents’ bed after the harvest. written in 1973 _________________________________________________________________________ Today is my father Rev. Fred Taylor...