by Warren Gaston | Oct 23, 2018
In a room of pregnant women, I want to shout warning, words of preparation for those soon to be born. This is what awaits you, this if you’re lucky, peace on the surface, but down deep, confusion and chaos. You will carve choice after choice out of ice and wood,...
by Warren Gaston | Oct 22, 2018
There is the damage that needs to be fixed and the unintended damage caused by the fixes.
by Warren Gaston | Oct 20, 2018
Writing poetry is digging a hole in the ocean, shovelful by shovelful, word by word. ____________________________________________________________ Digging a hole in the ocean with a shovel is impossible. I know. I tried it as a kid on the beach at Montauk Point, Long...
by Warren Gaston | Oct 19, 2018
Poetry is . . . an odd look at an ordinary sight with ordinary words used oddly to describe it.
by Warren Gaston | Oct 15, 2018
Improvisation, a trio of oak trees, jamming off-beat- in the offing season arrhythmic syn co pa tion syn co pa tion random patterns, dropt acorns on the woodpile, on the rock pile, on the gas grill, snared on grass, a...