by Warren Gaston | Feb 14, 2018
I bought you a Valentine’s Day present online, cold candy and a dozen cool red roses on the stem. I ordered the gift from It should be on your door step as you read this note. Go look. If you can see a package it’s not from...
by Warren Gaston | Feb 10, 2018
The day races from the sun. The morning shrinks, the afternoon stretches, the evening hurries forward, the night falls back. Sand runs through the hourglass. The chronologic snake swallows its tail. Tomorrow becomes today becomes yesterday becomes memory, possible...
by Warren Gaston | Feb 6, 2018
Away from the noise crowded streets of Sorrento we walked an orchard lane between lemon trees, the plump yellow fruit of the Amalfi coast hung as daylit lanterns among branches. A woman our age but much older yelled at us from within her black dress words we did not...
by Warren Gaston | Feb 4, 2018
I want to outlive the need for accomplishment and luxuriate in the rich fact of being.
by Warren Gaston | Jan 31, 2018
The shadow belongs to the light.