by Warren Gaston | Jan 21, 2018
“Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old Time is still a-flying; And this same flower that smiles today, Tomorrow will be dying.” Robert Herrick 1591-1674 Don’t mind time, ye young. Pay no heed to the calendar or the clock. Digitals have vanquished the tick...
by Warren Gaston | Jan 14, 2018
I did not board the train, and therefore, I did not unexpectedly arrive in Seattle after a long cross-country trip I did not take. No one waited for me at the station, and if they did it was a sheer coincidence. I did not tell anyone to meet me, or not. Having not...
by Warren Gaston | Jan 10, 2018
“Into this world we’re thrown / Like a dog without a bone”. The Doors “Riders on the Storm” (1971) after a slow gathering of material sensations & molecules suddenly we arrive thrown into a pattern of particulate particulars...
by Warren Gaston | Jan 2, 2018
“We formerly erred through ignorance. We go wrong today through the extent of our knowledge.” Odysseus Elytis* Much, we know much, so very, very much, and so much more, much more than we thought we knew the day before. Stacks of facts. We know little things. s u b a t...
by Warren Gaston | Dec 31, 2017
The earth turns the sun arcs west across the sky, and the moon dances bravely in the dark among the black branches of an oak. The clouds blow wither they want, or so it seems, until the wind kisses your face cold and you remember we are often moved by powers we cannot...