No Such Thing

There is no such thing as no such thing. If you can imagine such a thing there is such a thing, existing in your imagination.  

Cassandra’s* News

I would like to draw a distinction between fake news and news you don’t like. Fake news is a falsehood claimed as a fact. News you don’t like is very likely a fact. (This is not an inconsequential distinction.)    *In Greek mythology, Cassandra was the...

It Is What It Is

It is what it is, Nothing to brag about, something to mourn. Over eras we learned that more was less, and wouldn’t last, We civilized the indigenous out of their ingenuity. Then we created artificial problems much easier to solve. Alienation was essential. Detestation...

Why Read a Poem

The most significant benefit of reading a poem is not what it says but what you say after it sinks in.


Switching on the radio on my drive home from the store, the sound of fervent self-discipline poured into the car, Alice Sara Ott* embodying a classical tradition. I imagine yearly hours of practice, a child, a piano bench, small hands flying over ivories, mistake...