by Warren Gaston | Jul 31, 2020
Dreaming through the air in a Gary-Powers glide over the bruised bully mother bear heavy with sobs & songs, centuries of weary care. Falling into the brown forests of her hair arms flung open, claws retracted, greeting with a red mouth full of teeth & poems....
by Warren Gaston | Jul 29, 2020
When I read a great poem, I hear a chisel hammered against stone. When writing a poem, I am careful not to let the chisel slip. I constantly blow marble dust away.
by Warren Gaston | Jul 29, 2020
Squirrels worked their merry chases. Now they are weary and out of sight. Birds have silenced their songs. Cricket drone surreptitiously. Distant traffic. A plane grinds its way through thickening night, appearing and disappearing as trees offer space between...
by Warren Gaston | Jul 27, 2020
Don’t tell me to be quiet. Tell my mouth to swallow exclamations, if you want. Tell my throat to trap nouns in my larynx , if you must. Tell my tongue to squelch verbs at the lip. You know you want too. See where it gets you. These linguistic provocateurs do not obey...
by Warren Gaston | Jul 25, 2020
A smart person knows what they know. A wise person knows what they know, but also knows what they don’t know. A smart person knows the right answers. A wise person knows the right questions. A person who gives questions for answers is a contestant on...