Ancient Languages   

When you speak, the words you speak are very old. Even the new words in your vocabulary are ancient. constructed as they are from bits of much older words. The halves of the 1975 microchip date back eight millennia. All words belong to a family of primordial sounds....

COUNTDOWN: 8 minutes and 46 seconds

May 25, 2020  Memorial Day Minneapolis, Minnesota There are times police officers must make split-second consequential decisions without the benefit of time to reflect. But for 8 minutes, 46 seconds officer Chauvin had plenty of time to reflect. For 8 minutes, 46...


The plane zips cloudward, nose-thumbs earth, rises in collusion with the sky, flies high, shaking off gravity like water off a dog, its sleek metal skin repelling sunshine, sucking clouds through twin funnels like bright cola through a...


The ship Titanic, heavy with hubris, enfeebled by fire and ice, lost its capacity for displacement and was itself displaced. ________________________________________ hubris = from Greek excessive pride exaggerated...

The  Encounter of Black with Blue

“Don’t rush to judgment,” my neighbor said, “There’s a lot we don’t know.” “But there’s enough we do know,” I replied. “We’ve witnessed the videoed facts: A handcuffed man is dead. A policeman paid to protect knelt on George Floyd’s neck for 8 minutes 46...