An Unwelcome Gratitude

I am a very nice white man. I don’t hate black people. I’m cordial and polite. In fact, I have several black friends. I prefer Lester Holt to the other two anchors. I have marched for racial justice. I’m admire the courage of Kaepernick for taking a national...

Photo Op: Washington D.C., June 1, 2020

On the afternoon of June 1, 2020 we witnessed four hundred years of oppression against Blacks telescoped into a microscopically moral man. After his eyes adjusted to the light returning from the dark below ground, After holding his breath to avoid the fumes of...


We live in a time of expectancy, like the anticipation one feels the split second a hammer is hurled in a room full of windows.

Sun and Earth

The sun burns yellow into corn, brown into walnuts, red into tomatoes, purple into grapes as deep roots suck up the wet dark earth.

A Genealogy* of Warfare

A man named Henry died fighting General Lee. Had he lived, he would have married Mabel Morgan and been my great grandfather. He did not. That honor went to a man named David, my mother’s grandfather. A man named Charles died fighting Kaiser Wilhelm. Had he lived, he...