A Nature Poem

Why can’t there be flowers in my poems, why can’t there be birds, why can’t there be bees. Why not a column of mountains ranging down a column of words? Where is Yeat’s bee-loud glade, William’s greeny asphodel. Where are Steven’s Key West palms or Mary Olivers’...

Plant Power

If left alone, over time, nature will eat the uninhabitable city, brick by brick, building by building, block by block, even swallowing the indigestible core of a nuclear power plant.  

George Orwell – 1984   

Last night on 48 Hours, or was it 2020 ABC, no, it was Dateline the night before on channel 3 we watched a documented murder being solved. A husband came home at three a. m. and, discovering his wife stabbed dead on the blood smeared kitchen floor ran out the front...