by Warren Gaston | May 26, 2020
Why can’t there be flowers in my poems, why can’t there be birds, why can’t there be bees. Why not a column of mountains ranging down a column of words? Where is Yeat’s bee-loud glade, William’s greeny asphodel. Where are Steven’s Key West palms or Mary Olivers’...
by Warren Gaston | May 22, 2020
If left alone, over time, nature will eat the uninhabitable city, brick by brick, building by building, block by block, even swallowing the indigestible core of a nuclear power plant.
by Warren Gaston | May 20, 2020
Available for Hire: King’s horses and men specializing in the reconstruction of broken eggs.
by Warren Gaston | May 18, 2020
Last night on 48 Hours, or was it 2020 ABC, no, it was Dateline the night before on channel 3 we watched a documented murder being solved. A husband came home at three a. m. and, discovering his wife stabbed dead on the blood smeared kitchen floor ran out the front...
by Warren Gaston | May 16, 2020
We are united by our doubts and divided by our convictions.