The Peaceable Kingdom

A woman lies on a poolside chaise lounge twenty short feet from Tampa Bay. The sun casts soft shadows on her white skin, one of the many delicate yet grievous wounds caused by life in an intensely physical world, wind storms, swells of summer heat, collapsing stars,...

Only Yesterday

It has never happened before and will never happen again. Only yesterday: 2/20/2020 C.E. In the chronicled history of the world, past and future, back and forth, only yesterday, 3 zeroes and 4 twos.

It’s About Time

Everywhere in the house, the announcement of time, time on the microwave, time on the kitchen stove, time on the landline, the cell phone, the cable box, my laptop, all at 11:01 a.m. Only the coffeemaker is bold enough to stand out uniquely at 11:03. I retrace my...


“Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 18:3 (RSV) To be born is hard and to be hard born is to be thrown into a hardening world. All is congealing, little flex, less flow, the...


We take our clothes off; pants, shirt, shoes, socks, night clothes in the morning, day clothes at night. Undressing mid-day occurs in a doctor’s offices, cheap motels, or in gymnasiums after work before going home to the day’s last dishabille. We put on our pants on...