Aphorism # 127

If poetry was written to be merely sensible, a poem would be flat, tasteless, insipid, banal, one-dimensional, and indefensible.    

My Polish Poem

I have written a poem in Polish, a language I neither speak, read,  nor understand. I was going to post the poem here on Poetry Breaks Things, but not knowing what I said, I hesitated. Just because the message was unknown to me was no reason to believe it was unknown...

What Happened to God?

I knew God was lost when divinity congealed into a proper noun, the day God was named and numbered – ONE, the day God stepped into a quicksand bog of definitions, the day God could not help but do irrefutable good, the day God retreated far from the edges, the...

The Lecture

“Form is emptiness, emptiness is form. Emptiness is not separate from form, form is not separate from emptiness. Whatever is form is emptiness, whatever is emptiness is form.”   The Heart Sutra A Buddhist Text A cargo ship arrives in port, laden with goods from the...


Sitting middled & arounded, in the extreme center of swirl and flow, I fight hard through dense mildness of thought, for the edge, the boundary, the border, the place where beyond resides. I want to live close to distance. I want to be where B e i n g is palpable...