
I don’t get out much anymore. The world is closed for major repairs and the only route out of my mind is through Silicon Valley’s silicon chips. I do get the mail from the box at the end of the driveway but it’s mainly bills and enticements for things we should buy,...

Sad Town

There is a great sadness in town. A young wife and mother has died of what made her a woman gone wrong. Her husband and son mourn before the unfinished canvas which would have been the rest of her life. They treasure the part of the painting that is finished and ache...

Lifting Weights

Muscle Beach Gym, Venice Beach, L.A. An old man on his back on the weight bench shoves iron into the sky. The iron does not like being disturbed. Its allegiance is to the earth and it resents being pushed away. Every chance it gets it races home. The iron never...

A Thanksgiving Poem

Gratitude for Silence A word is a sound pressed between two silences. Without the encircling silence, speaking a word would be an incomprehensible mumble. The same for the printed page. Blank space is needed between words so they can be distinguished one from another....

2020: The Year of the Horse   

For many decades we’ve been alive, recurrently, repeatedly, repetitively, big deal, but not that big. Managing. Minimal precautions, avoiding risks, averting promising disasters, wearing seatbelts while driving, and lifejackets while boating. Walking with scissors....

Dream Lives

I sleep, and my life slinks away from my fame, as if, embarrassed by my daylight magnitude, I wait for a safe dark to make modifications; new roles, new vocabulary, new gestures, new plot to stage in the absurd theater of night. Some mornings I wake up, my tap dance...