
Original Poetry by Warren Gaston

Sun and Earth

The sun burns yellow into corn, brown into walnuts, red into tomatoes, purple into grapes as deep roots suck up the wet dark earth.

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A Genealogy* of Warfare

A man named Henry died fighting General Lee. Had he lived, he would have married Mabel Morgan and been my great grandfather. He did not. That honor went to a man named David, my mother’s grandfather. A man named Charles died fighting Kaiser Wilhelm. Had he lived, he...

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A Nature Poem

Why can’t there be flowers in my poems, why can’t there be birds, why can’t there be bees. Why not a column of mountains ranging down a column of words? Where is Yeat’s bee-loud glade, William’s greeny asphodel. Where are Steven’s Key West palms or Mary Olivers' 'Wild...

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Plant Power

If left alone, over time, nature will eat the uninhabitable city, brick by brick, building by building, block by block, even swallowing the indigestible core of a nuclear power plant.  

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George Orwell – 1984   

Last night on 48 Hours, or was it 2020 ABC, no, it was Dateline the night before on channel 3 we watched a documented murder being solved. A husband came home at three a. m. and, discovering his wife stabbed dead on the blood smeared kitchen floor ran out the front...

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The Ride of Not Knowing

This poem should be finished by now. It's gone on too long even though just began. Already I can tell you it won’t tell you much. I should know. I’m writing the poem. The only way even I will know what this poem is about is to keep writing. If I quite writing now I...

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The List

Make a list of all the things you want to forget about your life. It may not be easy to remember. It may take time. Take a day. A couple of days. A week if needed. Some may need a month. Effort may be required. Review each breathing season year by year. Carry a...

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Mother’s Day: May 10, 2020

Celebrating Margaret Elizabeth Gaston (1915-1990)  Today I salute my mother, a blend of grit and grace, both magical and practical. She never lived in a house her family owned. Her father, a minister, was provided a parsonage when she growing up and her husband, my...

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